Blessings to you, Amazing People of Fresh Start Church!
As your pastors, we are excited to celebrate with you all of the amazing ministry that God is doing through our church.
It is our passion to lead us together as a church into further amazement of how we can;
Jesus tells us in John 13:34; “Love one another, as I have loved you.”
Those are powerful words challenging us to an incredible level of love and sacrifice.
Yet, it is astounding that Jesus entrusts us with His love to be shared with our hurting and broken world. Through His Holy Spirit we are called to be His hands and feet to serve.
Thank you for your generous stewardship of love through our church. Jesus has given us this command to share His love with others. We look forward to the amazing ways our church will continue to extravagantly share Jesus’ love in 2025.
Please prayerfully consider your continued support of our church’s ministries with your time, your talents, your gifts and your service. We are always “Better Together” as a church family – the Body of Christ.
There are many ways you are needed to serve within our church. Please reach out to us as your pastor to further support our church’s ministries with your involvement.
Thank you and may God bless you as we continue to serve and share the love of Christ.
Pastor Andy, Lead Pastor Pastor Nicole, Associate Pastor